how to find trending reel sounds

Reels reels reels y’all! They are all the hype, but how do you make a successful reel? You’ve got to have a trending sound, a banging hook, & a bold call to action! 

So how do you find a trending sound? 

One way to do this is to look at your reels tab. Any sound you hear frequently is going to be a trending sound. 

The second way to do this is to go to reels tab & in the bottom left corner if there is an arrow next to the title of the sound then its trending!

This sound is trending because it has the arrow.

this sound is not trending because it does not have the arrow.

you can also search audio sounds on your explore page. if they have the arrow then they are trending! Make sure you save any sounds you want to use because this will make your reel recording process so much easier! 

this is an example of what the sound will look like after you search it, if its trending.

If you’re looking for how to grow organically on instagram in under an hour check out this post!

Want to spend a little more time than an hour, working on your social media game so its ready for 2022? Join our free resources & take our social media mini course! 



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