dear younger me

Dear younger me, 

There’s so many things I want to share with you - its hard to know where to start. Life is full of beautiful & bad moments. Moments of pure joy & wretched heartache. Moments full of life & love and moments of death & sorrow. But here’s the thing, you get to decide how these moments impact you. Its up to you to make the best of the things life throws your way. Ultimately, we’re all here trying to do the best we can with the things we’re given. Take everything one step at a time, one moment at a time. You’ll mess up immensely but you’ll also succeed tremendously. So here’s a letter to you.

Dear younger me, find your inner fire as soon as you can. 

You have a fire that burns deep in your soul. Its an unshakeable confidence & belief in yourself. It removes all fear of what could go wrong & shifts it to what if it goes right? It takes away the noise of what other people say about you & allows you to be your most authentic self. Its always been in you. Fan the flame & let it burn relentlessly. 

Dear younger me, let other peoples’ opinions of you go. 

You’re gonna spend too much time trying to make everyone happy. You’re going to mess up & let the feeling of failure consume you. You’re going to let people down & that’s going to torture you because all you really want is for everyone to get along & live joyfully. But you don’t decide their joy, they do. You can only do what’s within your control. Someone else’s opinion of you is none of your business. Let people talk, let people wonder, let people judge, but don’t let their opinions of you paralyze you & stop your own joy. Free yourself & let things go. You’ll feel happier & lighter. 

Dear younger me, cherish the small every day moments. 

Girl, freaking soak up every small moment you can. Soak up the way the sun feels when it hits your skin. Soak up the way the breeze blows in your hair. Soak up the conversations & afternoons spent at your grandparents’ houses. Soak up the noises the birds make. Cherish the moments of driving with the windows down and the music turned up. Cherish the people you encounter & the stories they share with you. Cherish it all because you’ll look back & remember these moments the most! 

Dear younger me, life will always keep moving no matter what decision you make. 

I leave you with one last piece of advice, life will go on. No matter what choices you make - there’s not a good or bad one. You decide for yourself in the moment what’s best for you. Trust your gut, follow your instincts, & don’t regret anything.

Dear younger me, slow down. 

Life comes by fast. The things you want to happen will happen. Don’t rush it. Enjoy it. 


Future you


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