daily self-care rhythms

Practicing daily self care is something I really value because I know if I don’t care for myself, then I’m not going to be able to care for others. I’ve built in daily rhythms into my life to help me practice self-care and they have become non-negotiable for me. I would encourage you to create a list of things that bring you joy and prioritize doing something from that list every day. 

Here’s a look at my daily self-care rhythms to help you get some inspiration!

Wake up early. 

I like to have a slow morning so waking up around 5:30 or 6:00 is a must for me. 

Practice Yoga & Meditation. 

Spending some time connecting with my breath & my body centers me for the day of ahead. 

Go for a walk. 

I love being outside & my dog needs the exercise so we go on evening walks every day (when the weather cooperates) and its so good for my soul. 

Time for hobbies.

I make time for my hobbies every day. Right now, I’m learning Italian so I intentionally set a time before I cook dinner to practice my Italian. I also do this with reading! I try and read a book a week so I’m intentional with how I spend my time in the evenings to make sure I get in some reading. 

do nothing work related at least one day week. 

This usually ends up being a Saturday or Sunday. I love to get outside for a walk, go explore a new place in our city, and come back home to bake some bread for the upcoming week. 

These small things fill me with so much joy and when I prioritize them, I know I’m being my best self. Tell in the comments, what are some small things that bring you joy throughout your week?




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