3 ways to bounce back from burn out

Our society tells us the only way to be a successful entrepreneur is to hustle 24/7. This means we are constantly working, creating a new 9-5 for ourselves after leaving the 9-5 that didn’t fulfill us, and burning out. Back in 2020, I was hustling 24/7 to reach a goal. I would wake up at 4:45 and work until 6:45, head to school & teach until 3:30, get back home and start working again from 4:30-9:30. I did this every single day for months because I thought if I didn’t work constantly then I wouldn’t reach my goal. This was so flawed and worked myself so much that I burned out hard. It took me seven months to recover from. The recovery has been a hard & long process, but it’s been necessary if I want to create sustainable businesses. 

So here are three things you can do if you’re trying to bounce back from burn out. 

Way 1: go back to your why.

It sounds simple, but really figure out what you want, why you want it, and who you want to become. This work is going to help you prioritize the things in your life. 

Way 2: do the basics.

Stop overcomplicating your business. Go back to the basics of what you do. Go talk to potential clients, share about your offer, and stay consistent. 

Way 3: bring back the fun.

Ask yourself, what is one fun thing that i want to do for my business today? its your business, you decide how to run it and the more fun you have the happier you’ll be. 

Remember, your burnout only lasts as long as you allow it. Love the process you create in your business because if you don’t then you’re not going to be satisfied. Your goals will be short-lived and you’ll be back at square one all over again. 




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