3 systems your business needs

Your goals happen with tiny daily actions. When you identify who you want to be come and what that kind of things that person would do and you start doing those things, that’s when you’ll see the outcomes you’ve been desiring. 

I know the processes & habits you create in your businesses can be very hard - especially when you don’t think you’re “good” at them - but I think as business owners, we overcomplicate what a system is. So let’s get to the basics -  a system is an efficient routine that you do repeatedly to see a (desired or undesired) result. 

Now that you understand what a system is, let’s breakdown three systems that you need for your business. 

System 1 - Generating/foster new leads

You need a system for attaining new leads. If you are not actively generating and fostering new leads, then your business is not going to be converting customers. 

Example of a potential system -

  • Attract lead to your social media page with your content

  • Engage with lead’s content

  • Opt-in opportunities for lead magnets 

  • Foster connection & follow up with lead

  • Lead makes choice to purchase offer

System 2 - onboarding a client

So you’ve attracted a lead and have converted them into a customer, what do you do now? You have a system for on-boarding this customer.

Example of potential system -

  • Client purchases offer

  • Immediately gets a confirmation email with purchase & tracking information

  • A few days later email a welcome packet with ideas for how to use the product/service

  • Send a small welcome package in the mail to new customer welcoming them to your community 

System 3 - foster relationship with customer 

You’ve attracted a lead, converted them into a customer, have onboarded them to use your product or service, now its time to focus on continuing a relationship with this customer. This is when you should continue adding value to this customer, educating them on your product or service, and meeting their needs. This system will warm the customer up for a second sale. 

Example of potential system - 

  • Engage with customer on social media

  • Send monthly emails that educate clients

  • Send a free product

  • Send coupon for a new product or service

  • Ask for feedback on a resource

  • Ask for a second sale

It’s important to note, the more you can automate your systems: the more time you will save, the more consistent you’ll be, and the more efficient you’ll be. What systems do you have in place for your business?


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