sales mini course is live!

what would happen if you learned how to sell your product or service with confidence in 30 minutes or less?

i see you avoiding the “hey girl” dms and the sleazy sales tactics. i know selling feels hard right now.

you’re wishing that you could sell your bomb ass product or service in a way that feels true to yourself & your business.

so imagine this…

  • you have a full lead funnel every day of the year so you never run out of leads to convert to buyers.

  • you show up to sale conversations eager to serve and ready to deliver.

  • you have a sales system that works for you even when you’re not on the clock.

this is what can happen when you implement and customize the sales process that we teach in our brand new sales mini course.

with the sales mini course, you get:

24 minutes of video instruction ($30 value)

1 course guide ($10 value)

1 lead tracker spreadsheet ($10 value)

For $27! 

There is no better time than to learn the magic of sales than RIGHT now! 


march | books & blends


3 questions to ask yourself if you’re not attracting your dream client