ally lauren

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how to prepare for the holidays as a business owner

Black Friday is just around the corner! People are ready to spend money on themselves & their loved ones! Its time to prepare your business for the holiday rush! 

Here are 3 things you can do to prepare for Black Friday as a business owner:

01. Make sure your offer is clear & ready

you can see a huge surge in sales during the holidays. to make sure you are ready for this surge, ensure that your offer is narrowed down & clear. make sure all the components on the back end of how customers purchase is set up & ready to go that way everything runs smoothly for your customers. The more you can prepare on the front end, the better off you will be.

02. Prepare a promotion

You’ve nailed your offer, now its time to create your promotion. When creating a promotion, create a goal this promotion will accomplish. Is it more email subscribers? Is it more purchases? Is it higher volume orders? When you know the goal of your promotion, you will be ready to create a promotion that caters to your goal. 

Some example promotions:

  • Spend $100 & get free shipping!

  • Purchase a course and receive 10% off your order. 

  • Join our email list for a surprise coupon & a free resource!

03. Spread the word & build hype

Its time to tell people about your offer & your promotion! You want to create as much hype and buy-in as you can leading up to Black Friday. Consider a countdown on your social media page or an email campaign! The more you share about your offer, the more interest you will create.

I hope this helps you get a starting point for rocking your Black Friday as a business owner! You’ve got this!

