ally lauren

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my morning routine

Do you thrive with consistency & routines? I know I do! I love having a morning routine because it consistently starts my day off on the right foot. Here’s what I do for my morning routine & I hope it gives you some ideas for your own routine! 

Wake up at 5:15 am. I’m an early bird for sure but I like have a few extra hours in the morning for myself before the day starts! 

Next, I brush my teeth & wash my face.

I make the bed then throw on some workout clothes. 

I usually do yoga or go for a walk for about 30 minutes or so & then meditate for 15 minutes. 

After that, I’ll have coffee with Andrew until about 6:30. 

Then I spend about an hour reading.

Around 7:45, I feed our golden retriever Cash, get ready for the day, and make breakfast. 

After I finish breakfast, I fill up our pretty diffuser & with some essential oils & then I’m ready to start my work day.

This simple, daily routine helps me prioritize myself & fill up my cup before I do anything else throughout the day. 

I challenge you to try to have a morning routine for the next 30 days & see what it can do for you! 

