ally lauren

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monthly sales plan

Creating a solid monthly sales plan is a great way to create motivation, stay on target, and generate regular income. every small business, whether selling goods or services needs to have a solid sales plan to ensure income is regular to pay the bills and sustain the business. we have created a simple one-page pdf printout for you all to download and use to start planning your sales on a monthly basis. check out our free resources to get access to our sales plan and many other great resources for free!

parts of the monthly sales plan:


set your sales, income, and new client goals. be realistic with your goals, but also push yourself. for your goals, look at the past two months sales, income, and number of new clients then set your goal based on those numbers.


set your focus for your month. are you wanting to primarily focus on new client sales or returning client sales? are you wanting to focus on creating new products? ask yourself these questions to determine your focus for the month.

client care

how are you going to take care of your clients this month? are you going to send a coupon to their email or send them some samples? make sure you check-in with your clients and see how you can best serve them.


what promotions are you running this month? are you running promotions for new clients, returning clients, or both? are you running promotions on a specific product? remember to only run promotions that are cost effective and will give you the outcome you are desiring.

educational opportunities

pick three ways you are going to educate your clients on your products. remember to educate, inspire, and entertain. communicate ways that your product will fill a need.

follow up & prospects

write down specific names of people you want to follow up with - this could be new clients or returning clients. write down specific names of people that are new prospects - maybe they showed interest in one of your educational opportunities. these prospects could become potential new clients in the following months.