life update

Hi friends!

Its been a hot minute since I posted a new blog! I decided to take the summer away from blogging —  it was so nice to recharge! Last fall, winter, and spring I was cranking out content left & right. It took a lot of my creative energy and I knew if I were to keep up the pace I was going that I would be in full burn out mode by august. So I decided to step back, rest, and refine! it was so nice to not have to be constantly creating! & I think part of the creation process is taking a break so thank you for allowing me to step away and also continue to support me, my business, and our community.

Here’s what’s been new with me the last few months:

Andrew & I are living in Washington, DC and LOVE it!

This city is the best city to live in. Everything is sooo walkable! We walk to the grocery store, museums, coffee shops, book stores, farmers markets, & restaurants all the time! I’ve learned to have a love/hate relationship with tourists and what it means in a city that thrives on tourism. I severely underestimated locals & thought they were being overly dramatic when they warned me about the summer humidity - it’s not a joke. apparently, HUGe rats (literally) rule the city but I have yet to see one for myself & sincerely hope I never do. Also, the people here are extremely friendly & neighborly! 10/10 recommend living in DC if you love walking outside + kind people!

I decided to leave the teaching profession for good.

I loved teaching when I was living in North Carolina — the kids were great, the staff & admin were amazing, & I learned sooo many lessons that I take with me every day. But I decided going back to the classroom isn’t right for me. I remember having the conversation with Andrew and saying, “If I go back, I’m not living into my full potential so I want to bet on myself and see what I can do & create.” So here we are! Going into my second year out of the classroom — i’m insanely proud of myself for having the courage to do something like that and have no regrets!

i’m a certified yoga teacher!

Heyyyooo I’m a certified yoga teacher now! I had wanted this certification for sooo long! I started doing yoga when I was in highschool as a way to stay in shape in between volleyball seasons. When I was in college, I would go to the campus rec center yoga classes and just enjoyed it! I almost got my certification but my other commitments created some scheduling conflicts so I wasn’t able to pursue it. Then the timing, finances, & opportunity aligned this past spring so I went for it! I got hired to teach for a tour guide group & do walking yoga sunset tours (we do a flow at the Kennedy Center, behind the Lincoln Memorial, & under the Washington Monument). I also teach classes at a local studio in Capital Hill and love it! I created Ally Lauren | Yoga and teach yoga for private events (bachelorette weekends, wedding days, staff bonding events for local businesses, etc.) and am working on building a yoga member area for you all to practice with me virtually.

I’m still doing Ally Lauren!

Ally Lauren is my biggest passion & top priority! I’ve been coaching clients in my mentorship all over the world & its been sooo much fun! I help new business owners get their feet on the ground. They usually come to me having some kind of idea for their business but they don’t know how to get it up & running. This is where my expertise comes in — I help them figure out what they want in their business, who they want to serve with their products or services, how to sell & market those offers, and how to overcome mindset blocks. I love helping my clients go from stressed out & stuck to 100% confidence and clarity! I’ve also offer 1:1 single coaching sessions, social media + website audits, and courses (check them out here)! I’m so passionate about the work I do and the people I get to serve.

So that’s about all that’s new over on my end!

Here’s what you can expect from me this fall/winter:

I cannot wait for all these exciting things happening in the Ally Lauren world!! Thanks for sticking around + supporting me and my businesses! It means so much to me and I’m grateful for this community! I’ll chat with you next Tuesday — I’m going to be sharing August’s Book & Blends picks so if you love books, wine, & good vibes I’ve got your back.




books & Blends | august


15 free things to do other than scroll social media