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interview with business & mindset coach nicola Charlotte

Friends, a few weeks ago I got to interview mindset & business coach, nicola Charlotte, for the your business your way with Ally Lauren Podcast

Check out the highlights from our interview:

Nicola became a mindset & business coach because she had a lack of fulfillment in her corporate day job. She was missing purpose in the work she was doing so she started to pursue coaching. After working with clients on the side, she realized that she wanted to launch her coaching business full time. So, she left her day job to coach female service-based entrepreneurs and now lives in Cape Town, South Africa living her best purpose-filled life.

For someone who is starting out on their entrepreneurship journey, Nicola recommends to start now. Nicola says, “If you feel like you want to do something like this or change your career, there will never feel like a right time. So the sooner you can start the better.” Nicola embodies this advice with her actions and I cannot agree more!

I also asked nicola what two traits she recommends entrepreneurs have. She responded with resilience and confidence. Nicola explains how resilience will allow you to keep showing up consistently especially in the beginning when you’re not signing clients and she goes on to share how resilience will also help you handle rejection. Nicola also explains how confidence is one of the most important traits for entrepreneurs. Without confidence, she describes how there is only a certain level you’ll be able to reach and things will feel so much harder in your business. 

This interview with nicola was a breath of fresh air & incredibly encouraging for new entrepreneurs. Listen to the full episode here

Make sure you check out Nicola on instagram & YouTube

