how to take the stress out of moving

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Yay! You found your perfect new home & its time for you to move! Oh wait, moving isn’t fun though right?! Moving can cause so much unwanted stress & anxiety in the days leading up to the big move. We get so excited about moving into a new home but then reality sets in & we wish we could skip right past moving day! unfortunately, we don’t have a time machine to propel us into the future but you have me, friend! today, you’ll master my 3 favorite tips that are going to make your moving process a gazillion times less stressful! so buckle up & let’s get movin’! 

Tip #1 - You can never be too prepared!

Update your address

Ahh the most dreaded but necessary task, updating your addresses. Make a list of all the places you need to update you address and spend a few weeks before your moving day updating your information. 

Purchase Moving Materials

Purchase those moving supplies ahead of time! Gather some cardboard boxes, tape, markers, & packing supplies so you’ll be prepared before moving day!

Hire Movers

You don’t want to be moving everything yourself right? So, hire some movers who are happy to do the heavy lifting for you! I recommend Moving Solutions. They are a moving company based in Nashville, TN but they provide long-distance moving services for customers outside of the Nashville area. 


Map your floor plan

There are so many websites that allow you to create a floor plan! Before moving day, go in with a plan for where you want your larger furniture items. Do you want your couch by the window or next to the fireplace? Do you want your desk in the guest bedroom upstairs or downstairs? When you know where the big items are going, you’ll be able to visualize & decorate much more easily. Mapping out your floor plan will also help your movers know where to put items so you don’t have to move them by yourself later.

Downsize As Much As You Can!

You don’t want to be moving items that you don’t use on a regular basis! When we made the move to 500 sq ft to 77 sq ft it felt like we were constantly downsizing. We would start in one room & make our way around to the different areas in our home. The hardest area for me was downsizing my closet. I love my clothes but when you live in 77 sq ft you can only have so many white chunky sweaters. One thing that helped me with downsizing my closet was building a capsule wardrobe (check out this post to learn how I downsized my closet)! Consider selling, donating, or throwing away any items that you don’t use any more!

Tip #2 - Pack in a way that makes sense to you!

Remember to place heavier items at the bottom of boxes & label each box by room! You’re also going to want to pack items that you don’t use as frequently first! Don’t forget to pack a first night bag with all your essentials - this will save you so much stress because you won’t running around you new home saying, “I can’t find the box with my toothbrush!”


Some packing hacks to try out for you next big move: 

  • Put styrofoam plates between dishes so your dishes won’t break!

  • Store spices in large pots with lids - no spills & no wasted space in those big pots!

  • Get area rugs professionally cleaned - they’ll return wrapped & rolled. 

  • Pack heavy items in rolling suitcases - don’t be silly, roll those cook books! 

  • Pack jewelry in egg cartons to prevent tangling!

Tip #3 - Make the most out of moving day!


Start Early

The best thing you can do for moving day is start early! Make sure you get a good night sleep the night before & set an alarm (or a few if you’re like me)! You could also make waking up fun by picking up some coffee & donuts to get the day moving (pun intended). 

Do a deep clean 

Before you begin unloading boxes in you new home, do a quick deep clean! Mop the floors, clean the inside of the cabinets, run the dishwasher while its empty, run the clean cycle the washer & dryer, and wipe down the counter tops with your favorite non-toxic cleaner! You’ll be a lot happier unpacking your items into a clean space.

Unload everything & don’t forget to tip your movers

The time has come to let your awesome movers unload your boxes. While they unload, you can turn on some music & begin unpacking the boxes one room at a time. Don’t forget to tip your movers! 

Happy moving, friend & may it be a little less stressful with these helpful moving tips! 




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