ally lauren

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how to create content for social media

Social media is a great opportunity for us to have a free store front. We get to essentially talk about ourselves & what we offer free of charge for whoever wants to listen. We get to connect with humans we wouldn’t have met otherwise which is super unique & fun! As business owners, when we are on social media, we have to create content that adds value to our community so I wanted to walk you through a method that I use for creating content for social media. 

First, plan your blogs for the month. Then for each blog, create 4 story slides, 2 reels, 3 static posts, & 1 live or video. This method of content creation will allow you to create 10 pieces of content for your community. 

If you post 8 blogs a month, you can create 80 pieces of content to share with your community. This is adding significant value to your community, building trust with your audience, and helping them solve their problems.

Creating content does not have to be an overwhelming process. Do one step at a time. You’ve got this. 

