ally lauren

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how to create a social media strategy in 15 minutes or less

running a social media account for your business on your own can seem like extra stress - especially if you don’t have a plan or you’re not seeing the results you had hoped for. when you create a social media strategy that is aligned to your goals & you’re consistent with implementing it then your hard word will pay off.

first, let’s identify what a social media strategy is.

a social media strategy is essentially your game plan for meeting your social media goals. so if you want to start hitting those social media goals, here’s how to create a strategy that does just that.

01. identify your goal.

what’s your goal on social media? do you want more followers? do you want to foster community? do you want to convert followers into customers? do you want to become the go-to expert in savable content? do you want your content to be shared? pick your focus.

02. why this goal?

why do you want your goal to happen? your why is going to keep you grounded & focused when things get hard or don’t go as planned.

03. list out the actions you need to take consistently for your goal to happen.

each goal will require different actions. list all the actions you need to take out and then schedule them into your calendar.

04. create your consistent content schedule.

you don’t have to post new content every single day but you do need to post constistently to stay top of mind with your audience. this might look like posting less on your feed and more in your stories. it might look like posting more reels and less static posts. find what works best for you & your audience. posting shouldn’t feel hard! don’t forget to check out my free resources for a content creation guide!

05. assess & evaluate your strategy every 90 days.

give yourself & your followers time to adapt to your new strategy. you may not see your desired results in 7 days & that’s okay! this is why I recommend giving yourself 90 days worth of content and strategy implementation. keep doing what’s working & pivot what’s not working.

your social media strategy is your strategy. what works for one person may not work for you and that is okay! don’t get discouraged. go back to your goal & why you want to achieve this goal. if you need extra help with your social media consider purchasing a social media audit and/or a coaching session from me! release your stress from social media & get some 1:1 guidance on how to make it work for you & your business.

it’s time to stop dreading your social media & make it fun again!



p.s. you may also find these blogs on social media helpful!