ally lauren

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hidden chemicals

Harsh chemicals are hiding all around us. It wasn’t until I began using young living essential oils that I began getting concerned with the products I was using. Like many of you, I assumed since it was on the store shelf, it was considered safe. Although, that is not the case. Let’s shed some light on harsh chemicals that are in our cleaning and personal care products.

Under your kitchen sink, you’ll find an impressive collection of cleaning chemicals. many household cleaners contain substances called volatile organic compounds (vocs) when they are used according to the American lung association. Research shows these gases can irritate your eyes, nose, throat, and can cause harm to your central nervous system. Common products that include vocs are oven cleaners, dishwashing detergents, and aerosol sprays. Look for vocs like benzene, ethylene glycol, methylene chloride, tetrachloroethylene, and xylene on labels.

Our skin is the largest organ in our body and whatever we apply to our skin runs the risk of being absorbed into our bloodstream or lymphatic system. the very products we use to enhance our appearance may actually be working against us.

One shocking ingredient that can be found in lotions, cosmetics, and baby wipes is formaldehyde as well as formaldehyde releasing preservatives (Frps). On a label frps might include quaternium-15, diazolidinyl urea, and polyoxymethylene urea. These chemical are used as preservatives but they have been linked to allergic reactions and cancer. Phthalates are another group of chemicals primarily found in lotions and body washes. They act as lubricants, yet they are known endocrine disrupters also linked to hormonal imbalances. Phthalates are difficult to find on labels because they are included as a part of the ingredient called “fragrance”. Fragrance is a combination of chemicals that gives each product it distinct scent. Because fragrance is considered a trade secret, the food and drug administration does not require ingredients to be specified. Unfortunately, they often contain harsh chemicals that can trigger migraines and asthma.

The toxic burden our bodies endure is too much for it to handle over time. Every little ditch and switch can truly help. Slow and steady, friends!