ally lauren

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five people I look up to & why

The people who you surround yourself with matters so much because you take on their similar behaviors, mindsets, and actions. In today’s post, I’m going to share five people that I look up to & why. I encourage you to sit down and think about who are the people you look up to and why. You’ll be surprised when you see their common characteristics. Start applying those characteristics to your own identity and watch how you’ll become someone you admire. 

Richard Williams

Richard Williams is the father of Serena & Venus Williams. He decided his daughters would become tennis professionals after watching Virginia Ruzici playing tennis on tv. Williams wrote up an 70+ page plan, and started giving lessons to Venus and Serena when they were four and a half, and began taking them to the public tennis courts. The dedication & commitment he had to getting his daughters to be professional tennis athletes is so inspiring. Go watch King Richard the movie to see what I’m talking about!


Amanda from Johnnyswim 

Andrew introduced me to the band johnnyswim when they were first getting started. He took me to one of their concerts & on the way to the concert, I kept asking him questions like: who are these people, is it really gonna be a good show, I’ve never heard of them, etc. Y’all!!! It was the most entertaining and engaging concert I have ever been to because the chemistry Amanda & abner have onstage is so unique & special. So, why do I look up to Amanda? I relate to her. We have very similar personalities and the way she manages her life & family is super admirable. Go follow her on instagram & try to not laugh. 

Keeley from ted lasso

Can I look up to a fictional tv character? Yes, yes I can. I freaking love keeley from ted lasso! I love how she tackles everything with such a positive attitude. I strive on a daily basis to embody that in my own life and business. 

Glo Atanmo 

This girl is INSPIRING. Glo has documented every single moment of her road to her own success & encourages others to find their own success in what ever they do. She is authentic, encouraging, and funny! I LOVE following her on instagram! Go check out her page.


THIS WOMAN. I thought I loved Adele when she released her album 21 but now that her latest album is out & after watching her interview/concert with Oprah - I really love her! She is an amazing artist & is so dedicated to being authentic & genuine. If you haven’t listened to her latest album, stop what you’re doing & pull it up right now.

My list of inspirational people goes on & on but the common traits I see these people having are authenticity, courage, positivity, dedication, and commitment. That is who I’m becoming. So make a list of people you admire & let’s collectively become people that we admire. 

