ally lauren

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3 things you can ditch & switch right now!

Pursuing a natural lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated! Start by ditching one product at a time and switching it for a natural one. Through time, these ditch & switches will also save you money.

Here are three things you can begin ditching & switching right now:

  1. Plastic sandwich baggies

    plastic sandwich baggies are usually only good for one or two uses and then we throw it away, right? reusable sandwich baggies are the way to go! They might seem like an investment upfront, but it will save you money in the log run because you won’t be buying plastic baggies as often and you’ll be reducing your waste.

  2. paper towels

    While paper towels are convenient, they are not always what’s best for reducing your trash. Instead, try using flour sack cloths or european dish cloths instead of paper towels. Once the cloth gets dirty, just toss it in the washer machine & it’ll be good as new. This switch might take some time getting used to but its worth it in the long run.

  3. grocery bags

    lots of stores are already ditching the plastic grocery bags for environmental purposes, but you could take this one step further by using reusable grocery bags. Most stores convienently have reusable bags you can buy at check-out in case you forget yours at home.

These three easy ditch & switches can reduce your waste and save you money. Here’s to pursing a simple, clean lifestyle.