ally lauren

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copy writing 101 with Megan smyth

ever wonder how to write captivating words that draw your target market in and say “heck yes! this is me!!”?? this art is called writing copy. copy is the words that sell your products & services to your ideal clients. but as a new business owner, you’re probably wondering well how do I do this?

friend, A few weeks ago I got to interview my friend Megan for the your business your way podcast

Megan is a professional copywriter & gave us the run down on her best copywriting tips for purpose-driven business owners! 

If your new to the concept of writing copy this interview is the perfect place for you to start! In the interview, Megan shares her story with how she became a copywriter, how she helps service based businesses write copy, &  her best copywriting tips. 

You can listen to the full podcast episode here.

& of course go check out Megan on instagram

