ally lauren

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ask ally: how many times should I post on social media each week?

Ask Ally is a monthly segment in the simple living journal. Submit your anonymous questions about anything & everything. Questions are answered on the third tuesday of each month!

This question is a great one, especially for businesses or brands who are starting out. Here’s what I think…

how often should you post on social media

The ideal frequency of posts on social media will vary depending on the platform, audience, and the type of content you’re sharing. Generally, it is recommended to post 1-2 times per day on platforms like Instagram and Twitter, and 1-2 times per week on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. However, the most important factor is the quality and relevance of your content, not the quantity.

Quality and relevance of content is important on social media because it directly affects the engagement and reach of your posts. If the content is of high quality and relevant to your audience, it is more likely to be shared, liked, and commented on, which can lead to increased visibility and engagement. Additionally, posting irrelevant or low-quality content can lead to a decrease in followers, as well as damage to your online reputation. So, it's crucial to prioritize quality and relevance to maximize the impact of your social media presence.

If you’re wondering when is the best time to post on social media, its will depend on a few different things. The best time to post on social media ultimately depends on your target audience, their location and their online habits But generally, it's recommended to post when your audience is most active on the platform. This can vary, but research suggests that the best times to post on platforms like Twitter and Instagram are in the early to mid-afternoon, and the evenings. While on Facebook, the best times to post are typically mid-week during the workday. To determine the best time for your specific audience, you can use social media analytics tools or run a small test by posting at different times and tracking engagement.

Don’t let the nitty grittiness of strategy hold you back if you’re just getting started! When you show up with confidence, you’ll attract the right people & one of the best ways to grow your confidence is to do it consistently. Consider setting a challenge for yourself. Start by posting 1 time a week & work your way to posting once a day if that’s what you feel like is best for your community. I’m cheering you on!

I’ll chat with you next time! Remember, submit your anonymous questions here!