ally lauren

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Ally Lauren turns 1!

GUYS CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? Ally Lauren turns 1 year old today!! What a year of learning its been! We are so so grateful to each one of you amazing human beings & your unwavering support and encouragement that you have shared with us the past year! We would not be here doing what we love if it weren’t for you! I am so so thankful to each of you! Ally Lauren has become an extension of who I am & we’re not stopping anytime soon. 

In our first year, we: 

  • Launched our website. 

  • Launched our free resources membership. 

  • Built a blog. 

  • Started a podcast. 

  • Launched multiple courses & our exclusive business mentorship. 

  • Launched our one of a kind community for young living brand partners. 

  • Fostered a community on social media. 

& honestly I’m probably forgetting a few things.

Its been a heck of a year, so what’s next? In 2022, we are focusing on CONNECTION. We’re reopening & will have on-going enrollment of our exclusive 9-week business mentorship. we’ll be launching 3 new mini-courses - our sales mini course is coming in February! we’ll also be hosting a few events for our community & launching a summer book club but there will be so much more - we can’t ruin all the fun! 

We cannot wait to serve you & your business this coming year.

We cannot wait to teach you.

We cannot wait to help you find your own success & help you reach your own dreams.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for an amazing year one! The best is yet to come. 

