ally lauren

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how I went from living in 500 sqft to 77 sqft — simple living series part 1 of 4

I often receive questions from strangers on a daily basis about: how I live in small spaces with my husband + dog, How do we not kill each other, How do we make it work, How did we downsize, etc. which is totally fine — I love that you all come to me with your questions!

but after I answer the question, i often hear the push back of: “I could never do something like that.” but I think you totally could! it just takes a little mindset shift! if you think living in a small space or decluttering your life (mentally + physically) couldn’t be for you then I challenge you. I think its for everyone. i think anyone can do it. It’s not easy, but the best things in life never are.

So that’s why I’m starting this 4-part series here on the Simple Living Journal — the simple living series. Throughout this series, I’ll be answering my most asked questions about simple living — i’ll explain how we started, how we downsized, how we make our relationship work, what’s changed in my life since living this way, & where you can start if you want to begin your own journey of living simply. i’d love for you to join me if your curious, skeptical, or all in!

Before I dive into sharing how we started this lifestyle, let me explain what simple living is.

Simple living refers to a lifestyle that emphasizes simplicity, minimalism, and mindfulness in all aspects of life. It involves focusing on what is essential and letting go of excess and distractions. This can mean downsizing possessions, decluttering, living with less waste, and focusing on experiences and relationships over material possessions. The goal of simple living is often to live with more purpose, clarity, and contentment, and to minimize stress and improve overall well-being.

being a holistic business coach + yoga teacher is my job but its also my lifestyle — like when I open my kitchen cabinet when i’m making my morning coffee & see my 2 coffee mugs, I feel so much appreciation for these mugs, the people who handmade them, & the coffee i’m about to drink! when I meditate in the sunshine before teaching a yoga class, a wave of gratitude washes over me that this is my life. or even when I hop off a coaching session with a client, I’m flooded with so much peace & joy.

& i’m able to live this way because of the principle of simple living. we’re surrounded in a world that preaches chaos, stress, & negativity but i’m intentional about minimizing my stress, living with more contentment, purpose, & clarity. that’s what I want to teach you how to do — embrace the simple life — so you can be the best version of yourself.

So friend, welcome to the series. Let’s dive in.

How we went from living in 500sqft to 77sqft

Charlotte, NC

In 2019, Andrew & I got married and moved to a studio apartment in Charlotte, NC. We thought it would be “fun”.  I had literally told him, “when else in our lives are we going to live in a small space like a studio so let’s just do it now!” lol jokes on me.

This apartment was 500sqft. It had a full kitchen, full size washer & dryer, a walk-in bathroom, & a walk-in closet. The living area was full of natural light & it was a great first home for us. We were here during the pandemic & we went a little stir crazy — like most people. We couldn’t use any amenities in our building so we’d go to the parking garage and layout a picnic blanket playing board games or We’d go on 3 mile walks every day just to be outside. Once the restrictions lifted, we knew we needed a change. So we started exploring our options.

I was burnt out from my job, Andrew was burnt out from finishing his MBA, & We had nothing tying us to Charlotte. The world was our oyster, all we had to do was pick something. Andrew had loved the idea of living in a van since he was in highschool & he was pretty much a minimalist the day I met him, so when I finally got on board to giving this lifestyle a shot things moved quickly. We began our research rabbit hole & When the time was right for us, we took our savings & bought our ram promaster, who we affectionately named joy.

Honesty hour, the first time I stepped in the van, I doubted how this metal box would turn into a home. I was very skeptical but I trusted Andrew’s vision and we spent the next 12 weeks building our home in whatever spare time we had. In March 2021, we were ready for a shake down trip to test it out. This was our trial run so we brought everything we thought we needed to live in a van full time & drove to the outer banks. it was a blast — you can read about that trip here!

When we got back to Charlotte, we still had a couple of months before the school year finished so we started making changes to our lifestyle so the transitions would be smoother - taking showers less, watching our water consumption, paying attention to how we buy our groceries/how we cook, etc. This was essential to our successful time on the road. i’d recommend it to everyone who’s wanting to live small, especially if you’ve got the time to prepare, start making changes early on to create a smooth transition when you’re in your own space. We also spent this time downsizing — which was a slow & intentional process. We went room by room, item by item. If it didn’t serve a purpose for every day life, then we donated it. I’m creating a declutter guide to help you if you’re interested in your own journey to downsizing — it will be available in the last blog of the series but in part two, I’ll be sharing my best decluttering tips, too!

The Road

June came & it was time for us to hit the road so we did! We went from Tennessee to Seattle (& just about everywhere in between). We slept in amazing places & some not so amazing places (like cracker barrel parking lots & truck stops). I fell in love with being outside all the time. Andrew enjoyed the constant problem solving. It was amazing.

Along the way, Andrew ended up with double vision while we were on the west coast. Not even kidding, I had to learn how to drive the van on highway one (which no is not like an easy, relaxing coastal road — its freaking spiraling mountain roads, y’all. In a van. With someone behind the wheel after driving it one time in a parking lot. A few tears were shed but we survived.)

We ended up in Wyoming & Andrew’s vision started returning to normal but we wanted to be safe so we headed back east so Andrew could go to his regular doctor and make sure everything was okay. We ended up staying with family and helping them out for a couple of months. In December, Andrew was also offered a job in Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.

We decided it would be best to rent an apartment since we knew absolutely nothing about D.C./what Andrew’s work would look like/how to live in a van in a city that’s pretty strict on parking. so Our apartment was a whopping 300sqft — a true luxury compared to the 77sqft (not really, but I did appreciate the water supply & flushable toilet). We fell in love with this city — honestly there is not a better city to live in. The people are the best, it feels small town, everything is walking distance, the public transportation is fab, & our favorite — so many things to do ALL the time.

But we missed our van, I missed being outside, Andrew missed the freedom. We weren’t able to bring the van to the city due to lack of parking & with rent prices increasing like crazy, we started thinking about our options. Since Andrew’s job offers a lot of flexibility we crunched the numbers & it made the most sense for us to go back into the van. The amount of money we’d save not paying rent is helping us plan for our long term home base vision. But ultimately, we’re hoping to be in the van for as long as we can, seeing as much as we can, while we can.

the road round 2

Our lifestyles hasn’t changed since moving into the van the first time, in fact they’ve probably gotten better. Both of us have never been healthier & happier. We have no plans. We’re just living day by day, breathing in the fresh air, standing in the sunshine, & trying to make the world a little better while we’re here. so that’s where we’re at now. its not conventional, but its freedom, peace, & joy - for us.

the simple living series

Simple living isn’t for everyone, but I’d challenge everyone to try it - no you don’t have to sell everything & move into a van. it begins with your daily rituals. it begins with your mindset. it teaches you to narrow down your priorities & what matters most to you.

Through this series, I hope you’ll see where I’m coming from & may be get a little inspired to shake things up in your own life — again no, you don’t have to move into a van But maybe it looks like walking barefoot in the grass once a day, breathing a little deeper, or holding more space to connect with where you live & the people you interact with. Whatever simple living looks like for you — I’m encouraging you to try it.

See you back here for part 2, i’m sharing about all things downsizing!

