4 money saving tips

With gas prices through the roof & the increased prices at the grocery store, saving money can be super helpful during these expensive times! So, today I’m sharing my top 4 saving money tips with you! When you implement these tips, you’re gonna have a few extra dollars to save!

01. Decrease your expenses.

I’m all about living within your means, but also decreasing your expenses as much as you can. The way I do this is by keeping an automated budget that tracks all our spending! 

02. Let go of the subscriptions.

Do you really need the subscription to Netflix, HBO, Peacock, Apple TV, and Hulu all at the same time? No way! Toss the bulk of your subscriptions & only keep the ones you use most often! A few extra commercials isn’t really that big of deal! 

03. Round up for savings.

Check with your bank or research apps that offer programs that round your purchases up to the nearest dollar and put the difference into a separate savings account. You’d be surprised how quickly a few extra cents here & there adds up over time! 

04. Check out your local library.

I’m a big fan of local libraries! Check out a popular book that you’ve been wanting to read! And since you unsubscribed from all those streaming services, use your library card & stream movies through their services for free! 

Tell me in the comments, what are your favorite money saving tips??




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books & Blends | April