ally lauren

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3 ways to stay healthy with a busy lifestyle

The holiday season is quickly approaching, this means our calendars are about to fill up with holiday festivities! In the past, I’ve fallen into the mindset of “things are busy right now, I don’t have the time to prioritize my health during the holidays, or I’ll get back on track in the new year.” Well this year, I’m shifting my mindset & am going to  prioritize my health even when life gets busy! & today, i’m going to share the steps i’m taking to do it.

Eating well

since becoming a vegetarian earlier this year, I’ve been eating so many fruits & veggies daily with each meal. I feel better, my stomach issues have calmed down, and I have so much more energy! since this habit has naturally become a part of my routine, I am going to continue this during the holidays! planning my meals ahead doesn’t work well for me. I find that having a lot of basic food items that I love & can just whip up something delicious works better for me & my lifestyle.  

Moving my body 30 minutes each day

I’m an early riser for sure so I like to exercise in the morning before my day gets started! I love doing yoga & meditation to start my day. Then if the weather cooperates, I’ll go for a walk with our dog, Cash! Its a super simple routine, but I find that it does so much good for me & my health each day! 

Taking 30 minutes for me time each day

I try to prioritize 30 minutes of me time each day. It doesn’t happen every day but I’m working on it! I think we can get so caught up in our work, with our friends, social media, what’s going on in the world, etc. so having 30 minutes to tune all that out and focus on myself is super important to me. at the beginning of the month I pick a few things to challenge myself - this month I’ve challenged myself to read a book a week & do a sketch a day in my sketch book. So during my me time this month, I’m doing one or both of those activities! Its been very good for my soul and has forced me to focus & be present in the moment. These are simple routines but I have found that they do me a lot of good - even when life is busy. 

Hope this inspires you to prioritize yourself during the business of the holiday season!

