3 things that make me ridiculously happy

Hi friends! have you ever thought about the small things in life that make you so happy? well, Today I’m sharing three things that make me ridiculously happy & why. We need more happiness in the world & I would LOVE for you to tell me what things in your life make your ridiculously happy. 

Here’s mine: 

01. The way the sun feel when it touches my skin.

I think I took the outdoors for granted when we lived in North Carolina. I would only go outside to go on a walk or to walk to my car, I very rarely just sat outside because I could. I was freaking missing out. You can’t convince me that there’s a better feeling than having the sun warm up your skin when its like 70 degrees outside. Its pure magic. Add in a glass of wine & a bomb book then you’ve got my paradise. 

02. Drives with the windows down & the music up.

Oof feeling the wind blow my hair around, listening to John Prine (probably way to loud) & definitely singing off key just hits different while driving wherever hits different & makes me ridiculously happy. 

03. Sunsets.

Since living in a van, I am consistently captivated & in awe by sunsets. I think after seeing the sky out west you can’t ever take the sky for granted again. Its freaking ginormous & glorious. Now, when I see a sunset - I have to pause, take a deep breath, smile, & give thanks for the magnificent beauty. 

I put this question out to my instagram community & this is what they said: 

  • Anything cozy

  • Mugs

  • Christmas trees

  • Autumn Wind

  • Family Laughing

  • quiet mornings

  • sunrises & sunsets

Here’s to cherishing the things that make us ridiculously happy!




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