ally lauren

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3 questions to ask yourself if you’re not attracting your dream client

You’re not attracting your ideal clients. You feel like you’re posting all the right things. You feel like you’re talking to the right people. You sharing about your offer but no one is buying! You’re asking yourself, “What am I doing wrong??”

Friend, I’m here to help you. Instead of asking what are you’re doing wrong, start asking yourself these three questions instead!

01. Are you being clear about your offer?

If you’re not being clear about what you offer, you’re leaving your audience confused. If you feel like you’re pretty clear about what you offer is, ask yourself how can I simplify it even more? The more clear you are on what you sell, the easier it is for you audience to jump on and say yes to what you’re selling.

02. Are you being clear about the transformation a customer goes through with your product or service?

A common mistake new business owners or social sellers make is that they assume its obvious that people should buy their product. They listing off all the benefits & features of the product or service but they are missing a key component. They miss the part where they talk about the transformation the customer is going to go through from where they are at now to where they will be once they use the product or service. Stories are a great way to show the transformation. So if you have a story from a client or even yourself with the product or service you’re selling, make sure you share it!

03. Are you creating content that adds value to your customer’s life?

The foundation of selling is building trust. If your prospect does not trust you, they are not going to buy from you. So how do you build trust? You’ve got to use your content to add value to that your ideal customers’ life. Think about what kinds of things they would find helpful, engaging, and entertaining. For example, let’s say you run an instagram that you resell thrifted items. Every week you have a thrift drop where your followers can buy what you’ve thrifted. How can you maximize your impact on days when you’re not doing a thrift drop? This is the time you add value. Maybe you post your best thrifting tips, different ways to wear a pair of thrifted jeans, or how to style a thrifted basket in a kitchen. This is where you can get creative & appeal to you ideal customer - just make sure you’re always adding value!