ally lauren

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15 free things to do other than scroll social media

Social media can make us mindless screen monsters. So if you’re looking for some things to do instead of scrolling your favorite social media app, this list is for you!

15 free things to do instead of scrolling mindlessly on social media:

  1. go for a walk outside.

  2. clean out your closet & donate clothes.

  3. take a fitness class.

  4. read a new book.

  5. volunteer at a local organization.

  6. journal through your feelings.

  7. mediate.

  8. make a new playlist & jam out to it.

  9. write a thank you note to someone in your life.

  10. FaceTime a friend you haven’t talked to in a while.

  11. cook a new recipe.

  12. pick up a new skill or hobby.

  13. water your plants or clean the dust off their leaves.

  14. make some homemade bagels (use this easy recipe!)

  15. take a nap.

hope this list gives your some inspiration for the next time you find yourself bored and scrolling social media mindlessly. if you need a social media detox, check out this post!

